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Who Do you believe in G-d or Doctors?

M.P. Geulah

Joke: What is the Purpose of a doctor? So his yiddishe mama can kvell about him.

There is a tendency in this generation to worship doctors. This has to stop.

Who do we turn to when illness strikes? G-d or doctors? The Torah teaches that we must turn to G-d. Nothing in this world happens by chance. Either there is a spiritual blemish that caused the illness, or bad diet or weather change is to blame.

So what is the purpose of a doctor? According to our sages the purpose of a doctor is to tell you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. This is what we would call preventive medicine. After illness is present the same principle applies. If a person becomes ill person he has to examine what foods he is eating. He must also examine his spiritual state as we will see later.

Western medicine doesn't address the core reason behind illness. Conventional Doctors attempt to treat symptoms of disease without treating the underlying cause. They use antibiotics or anti-fungals to treat every infection. This is very shortsighted. Overuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs. Candida infections following antibiotic treatment is very common. Bacteria cannot be outsmarted.

There is no way that we can obliterate disease in this world. When antibiotics are administered certain bacterial strains will morph into stronger strains. Today these antibiotic resistant strains are called superbugs. Why do some bacteria morph? Because There is a need for disease in the world at this time. This is the way G-d created the world. The western medical approach of treating the symptoms is illogical and is the antithesis to Torah teachings.

Can we fight G-d's decisions? Is G-d unaware of what's happening to us? Illness is like a loud bell which stimulates us to wake up and change.

The Torah teaches us that all sicknesses, other than colds, are caused by a spiritual blemish or sin that relates to the organ in question. We know that our bodies are made up of 248 organs & limbs and 365 sinews and vessels, each corresponding to one of the 248 positive and 365 negative commandments. We have to understand that sickness in general is a result of our spiritual state. Young children suffer from the sins of their parents. The Torah also teaches us that bad diet and weather change can cause illness. In that case, illness can be a wake up call from G-d to change our diet.

We cannot take G-d out of the equation when it comes to sickness. In fact, just the opposite is true. It's not this virus or that bacteria that caused us to become sick. It's our spiritual state.

The Vaccine War

The Vaccine War is an Ideological War. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies would have us believe that they can control our state of health. This is an outright lie. Only G-d can heal us. If we fail to head the lessons that minor illnesses are sent to teach us, then we will be afflicted with more severe illnesses until we wake up. Often there is no quick fix for illness. And if we try to take short cuts, it will come back to bite us later.

The Rabbis Explain the Cause of Illness

In Exodus 21:19 the Even Ezra explains clearly that all internal illnesses are cured by Hashem not doctors. He writes that permission was given to doctors to cure external wounds. However, it's up to G-d to cure internal illness.

Other Rabbis such as the Rambam (Maimonidies) and the Abi Ezer explain that illness is caused by bad diet (overeating) and change of air.

The Abi Ezer explains in Exodus 21:19 that internal illness is the result of OVEREATING or from a change of air (weather changes). "If a person clings to G-d he will strengthen his Neshama and live longer than his predetermined time. It is found that it is the responsibility of the person to cure his internal illness BY HIMSELF, he should cling to his Neshama and it will bring him to life and bodily health...."

The Rambam: Hilchot Deot Chapter 4 explains that OVEREATING is like poison to the body. It is the main source of all illness. Most illnesses are caused by harmful foods or by overeating.

According to our Torah Sages, illness is caused either by a spiritual blemish or bad diet. To heal from any illness, a person must examine his deeds as well as his diet and lifestyle.

Illness can be scary. The worse the symptoms are, the more terrified we become, until our fear obliterates all logic, and we opt for that vaccine, or that surgery, or that procedure. There is no quick fix for anything. The most we can do is safeguard our health by eating only healthy food, constantly examining our spiritual state. If sickness strikes, we must pray to G-d to reveal the reason why we became ill. Then, we can beseech G-d to heal us.


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